
Monday, March 17, 2008

Get parent's advice and tips at "Minti"

There are a lot of message boards or forums for parents but "minti" is different in this sense that it is for parents and from the parents.
This is a social community, where parents can share and gain valuable advice. minti is about advice, friendship and community for parents.

Mainly the site contains articles about parenting and topics range from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, babies, early childhood, schooling, tweens, teenage years and beyond.
It all started in 2005, by Rachel Cook, who was inspired by "wikipedia" and felt the need for "parent to parent advice-opedia"

The story behind the creation of this site is interesting:

What prompted the creation of Minti?

"When becoming a mother for the first time, Co-Founder, Rachel Cook discovered motherhood was actually about trial and error. She sought ways of finding information to alleviate the downsides of this method. She discovered how little concise, detailed information was available to be passed down from experienced mothers and fathers, particularly on what methods worked and what didn't, in bringing up children. Gaining this tried and proven advice was a constant challenge. The really good advice appeared to be spread via word of mouth or on an ad-hoc basis. There was not enough advice and experience captured to choose alternatives from and it was tough to get the 'good advice' spread around the world to other parents.

Rachel researched the space for over more than a year and discovered that a single place where concise, clear advice and experiences from parents and targeted at the modern parent was lacking. The industry 'appeared' to be fragmented and she found mounting evidence of an influx of parents requiring more depth and understanding to the advice. Magazine articles and books were great sources of information but they could not be thoroughly discussed and expanded on. In many situations where serious help was required only those families with high disposable incomes could gain access to expert 'hands on' advice implemented in the home.

If this was the situation in Perth, Western Australia, then what was it like in the world's biggest economy, the U.S. Rachel searched for a site that offered parenting advice "first hand" from parents but could not find one that solved the problem without excessive advertising, "experts" rather than real parents and difficult to search information.

The desire to create a place for parents to share advice on a global footing fuelled the vision to pull a team together to make Minti happen."

Their mission is to create a “the world’s largest parent to parent advice-opedia”.
What site offers?

- Over 4000 parenting advice articles.
- Advice powered by parents, not corporations
- Over 600 interest groups to join
- Free profile page with blog and photo storage
- Membership is FREE

For fresh news and posts:
- minti blog
- The parenting advice page provides advice written by parents, for parents and ranked according to how useful it is.

Sign up at register page and after becoming member you can also write articles about your parent experiences.

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