
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Free tutorials about internet and World Wide Web

Internet has become a source of information and if we want our children to use the internet for constructive purposes then we have to guide them and let them learn about "internet". This article offers you useful links and resources to learn about 'Internt' and 'World Wide Web.

1- From "Infomat": What is 'Internet'?

The Internet is a huge collection of computers around the world. These computers (there are millions of them) are all linked together, and they communicate with each other, sharing information. If your computer is connected to the Internet, it can connect to millions of other computers, in many different parts of the world.

The first thing to do is to learn the language of computers and the Internet.

By using the Internet, you can have lots of fun:
  • You can send electronic letters (e-mail) to people.
  • You can read pages on any subject on the World Wide Web.
  • You can play games with people all over the world.
  • You can chat to people in chat room
  • You can even buy things on the Internet and have them delivered to your home!
The World Wide Web

"The World Wide Web is a part of the Internet. It is a collection of millions of pages of information."

This information can be about anything: Sport, Films, Television, Music, Business, School, Fun, Computer games, Animals, Shopping.

  • The pages on the World Wide Web are all linked so that you can move around them.
  • The pages are linked together using Hyperlinks.
  • If you move your mouse over a hyperlink, it will change to the shape of a hand.
  • If you click on a hyperlink, you will go to a different page.
  • You can usually tell if something is a hyperlink because it is coloured and it is underlined (sometimes)
Source of this article: Infomet

At the above sentence you would note the word "Infomet" which is in different colour.

More useful links and resources:

For more FREE tutorials about "Internet", just go to the links:

2- For advanced users:

I learn technology is an edublog dedicated to giving teachers practical tips for integrating technology into the classroom. All of the resources are free to use and simple to implement. It is from Kelly Tenkely, who has been teaching. She says:

"My goal is to help teachers fall in love with technology the way that their students have. I believe that technology reaches students in a way that few other mediums can. It ignites a fire, a desire to learn, and gives them the ability to express themselves in meaningful ways. I set out to give teachers a resource where they could find easy-to-implement ideas for using technology in their own classrooms."

 For teachers: they can find great sites to use with your students separated by grade level. you will find links to great tutorials that will help you learn something new or brush up on your technology skills, the absolute best places to find lesson plans and worksheets on the web, online professional development, ideas for using technology in your classroom, links to the Adrian Bruce website where you will find AMAZING downloads for your classroom, and a page all about podcasting. I hope that your are inspired to learn and use technology in your classroom.

* Newbie site is for newbie internet users. There are also information about computers, electronics and forums to discuss the related matters.

* "Learn the net" is a website dedicated to helping you master this amazing medium.

* "All things Internet" A wealth of information about internet, web site creation and more.

* "Internet" was created for those who want to know just the basics. This guide will provide you with enough knowledge to have fun on the Internet.

* "Internet Guide and Web Tutorial" from ""

* Internet Web Text

* The resources at the "Living Internet" can help you learn about the history, design, and use of a variety of Internet features, some of which are historical, as used by the ancient Geeks.


* "Malek tips" offers free computer help, hits and tips.

* At "5 star support" you can find a brief description of free computer help services. There are thousands of computer self-help related tips, tricks, tweaks, tutorials and computer related articles, tutorials, that will help you get to know your operating system and help it work smoothly and safely.

* Basic web lessons at: ""

* World wide web Free tutorial.

- Site link: Internet tutorials

Related post:
Free computer courses on the internet

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