
Friday, November 2, 2012

Classroom management tips

There are number of classroom tips or strategies which teachers use to create best learning environment around their classroom. Dealing with children having behavior problem is a challenge for each teacher. Creating and establishing some classroom rules is an effective way of classroom management. These rules can be established from the start of new year. Teachers can print these rules and hang around the classroom as a reminder.
These classroom management tips and strategies are adopted by experienced teachers.
Effective Classroom management tips:
  1. Before you begin teaching/talking always "scan" the classroom and make sure "all eyes on me".  Eye contact is the most powerful method of non verbal communication between people. Be sure to establish eye contact with your students to gain their trust and make positive impressions. Avoiding eye contact implies low self-confidence and looking down suggests embarrassment. Direct and frequent eye contact with another person – or members of an entire classroom – exhibits confidence and interest.
  2. If the classroom is very noisy with students talking but they know that you want to start your lesson, one extremely effective tactic is to stand still and stare at the clock and wait patiently and calmly until they stop talking (do not cross your arms).
  3. When there is silence, calmly say "You have just wasted 3,4,5, etc., minutes of my time. It is to be made up at recess". At recess, the students are to sit quietly for the amount of time they wasted and then be dismissed quietly. (No working or reading is to be done by the students during that time - you on the other hand, can mark work or do whatever).
  4. The 5 second stare - When teaching and a student is talking, stop talking, even in mid-sentence, wait patiently staring at the student while counting to five (to yourself), and then continue teaching the lesson (stare at them, not through them - most effective).
  5. Hold up your hand to "STOP" students from talking or doing something they shouldn't be doing. Put your index finger to your mouth (for "Shhh") to make student(s) quiet. Nod your head to indicate "NO", to stop them from doing something wrong and then smile and nod "yes" after they stop.
  6. Shrug your shoulders and hand gesture to ask "What are you doing?".
  7. Circulate around the room as you teach (when applicable). When circulating around the room and talking, touch or put your hand gently on the shoulder of the student who is not focused and then continue walking. Touching is a very tricky subject in today's society. Touching in any form as a behavioral deterrent must be avoided. Touching as a sign of congratulations in younger children is accepted but should be avoided for older students.
Adopted from:

Related post: 'Use of body language in classroom management'

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