
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bird exhibition to promote love and care for Allahs creation

Birds are one of the wonderful creation of Allah. And learning to observe, love and care for Allah's creation is showing our gratitude towards 'The Creator'. 
Having 'Bird Exhibition' at 'Premier School Dhaka' premises was part of learning linked to Science and other subjects.

'Bird Exhibition'  at 'Premier School Dhaka' Uttara branch on 17 August, 2017 was a very informative, fun and interactive event. This event was repeated for 'Mirpur Branch' on 27th and then' for Malibagh Branch it was planned for Thursday, 28th September, 2017. 

The 'Bird Exhibition' was inaugurated by a local hobbyist 'Mr. Tahsin Rahman' who have a 'Face Book' page with the name 'hobby.nature'. He is a bird collector from his childhood and his father who was present at exhibition told us that 'Mr. Tahsin' who runs an agriculture company, created an 'egg incubator and brooder' machine which is a unique invention as well. 

Bird Exhibition Event:

All students were very excited when they saw the bird pictures at notice board few days ago and heard that soon there will be a 'Bird Exhibition (show) at school premises. Teachers started discussing about birds and their variety creating curriculum link to the bird show. First day Play group and Nursery students were introduced with our national bird 'Doel or 'Magpie Robin' and later all classes were shown pictures and videos about variety of birds. Kids were enthusiastic to learn more about their body parts, their food habits, their sounds/songs during their normal class sessions.

Few birds brought for show were "Amazon Parrot, African Grey Parrot, Jenday Conure, Lutino Cockatiel, White Faced Cockatiel, Munia, Fantail Pigeon, Budgerigar, Love Bird". '
Amazon Parrot' was the biggest bird and center of attraction for all as it was outside the cage and quite friendly.

All the exhibition participants were excited to see such a variety of birds, know about their origin, their food habits etc.

Observing birds can help kids ..........
  1. Observation skills to find birds around their locality.
  2. Listening skills to identify birds by their songs 
  3. Knowledge about bird species 
  4. Research skills to learn about bird’s identity (linking to habitat), their origin, food etc
Bird or pet keeping benefits:

Pet keeping is a popular hobby now a days and keeping birds as pet is one of them. Recent studies have shown that keeping birds encourages social interaction, which is good for your mental health. It’s very cheering to hear your pets greet you.

Bird watching involves study of physiology, behavior and the role of birds in the ecosystem that sustains life. We can learn"environmental responsibility" how environmental catastrophes, natural or man-made, can impact birds. As a result children can learn to be more environmentally savvy in order to protect different bird species and their habitats. diversity in nature, Geography (relating our local birds to migrating or foreign birds), food chain ie, what they eat, prey, predators etc.

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