
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Eye check up session for school children

It is necessary for everyone to have regular eye examinations as it is related to the most important sense of sight or vision and early diagnose of any related issue is better as it can be treated soon.
School going children need to have eye exam or eye checkup on regular bases because if a child can’t see or read clearly, that prevents him/her from achieving full potential, which makes early detection and treatment of any vision problems really critical.

A Medical Team from "Dhaka Eye Care Hospital" conducted a day long Free Eye Check Up Program' for the students of 'Premier School Dhaka, Malibagh branch. The event was conducted to raise awareness among parents about the importance of eyes health and early diagnosis of any vision related problems. For example refractive error (eye power problem) in children between 5 to 15 years of age is an important public health problem in Bangladesh. According to WHO global statistics, it is estimated that there are approximately 1.3 million children having visual impairment due to refractive error in Bangladesh.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Benefits of play and what children learn from play?

Playful learning (free play and guided play—together)—are pedagogical(relating to teaching) tools through which children can learn in in many ways.

Science of learning identified four key ingredients of successful learning:
  1. learning occurs best when children are mentally active (not passive), 
  2. engaged (not distracted), 
  3. socially interactive (with peers or adults), and 
  4. building meaningful connections to their lives
These all objectives can be achieved by providing opportunities of free or guided play.
When young children play with friends or class mates they learn:
  • How to cooperate
  • When to lead and when to follow
  • How to solve problems

Monday, October 16, 2017

Importance of eye check up in early childhood

Eye exam or check up in early childhood is very important as 25% of children are usually detected having eye sight problems.

Most children are unaware of the condition and may struggle during their school year due to these eye issues. Healthy eyes and vision are a critical part of kids' development. Their eyes should be examined regularly, as many vision problems and eye diseases can be detected and treated early.

We should make eye checkup a routine for our kids at least once in a year from early child hood. 

Lets learn about eye care professionals as very few people are aware about their jobs.

Professionals in eye health field:

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Birds mentioned in Quran

Quran, along with other animals  mentions birds on various occasions. For example the creation of birds by Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and the events relating to Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) and four birds are also present in the Quran.

Birds in Quran:

The word bird has been mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an 5 times and the word birds occurs in the  Qur’an 13 times. Among the birds, the HOOPOE (hud-hud in Arabic) bird has been specifically mentioned in Surah # 27, An-Naml, twice in the following manner: 

And he sought among the birds and said: How is it that I see not the hoopoe, or is he among the absent? Surah 27: 20(Ayah) 

Bird exhibition to promote love and care for Allahs creation

Birds are one of the wonderful creation of Allah. And learning to observe, love and care for Allah's creation is showing our gratitude towards 'The Creator'. 
Having 'Bird Exhibition' at 'Premier School Dhaka' premises was part of learning linked to Science and other subjects.

'Bird Exhibition'  at 'Premier School Dhaka' Uttara branch on 17 August, 2017 was a very informative, fun and interactive event. This event was repeated for 'Mirpur Branch' on 27th and then' for Malibagh Branch it was planned for Thursday, 28th September, 2017. 

The 'Bird Exhibition' was inaugurated by a local hobbyist 'Mr. Tahsin Rahman' who have a 'Face Book' page with the name 'hobby.nature'. He is a bird collector from his childhood and his father who was present at exhibition told us that 'Mr. Tahsin' who runs an agriculture company, created an 'egg incubator and brooder' machine which is a unique invention as well.