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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Use of cell phone or addiction?

This post is about today's tech age, use of gadgets and how it is overlapping with our social lives, our relations. Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, including keeping in touch with family members, conducting business, and having access to a telephone in the event of an emergency.
The use of a mobile phone is not limited to essential tasks only,  it is being used in making video, recording information and transmitting it to a phone or a computer.

Access of internet has made this device multi functional. Facilities like on line chatting, conferencing, sending text, transferring MMS information is possible via a cell phone.
It is up to the users, to make the best use of mobile phone. But our new generation is showing the signs of cell phone addiction. They have their cell phones every time during day or night around them. Busy chatting with friends, playing games, enjoying audio video or just surfing the net, they love to stay focused towards their gadget.

Albert Einstein said,

"I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity.
The world will only have a generation of idiots."

Want to see it yourself?

With friends

At work

At a picnic

Was Einstein right? or we are just emerging as an addict generation? 

Related posts:

Top 10 Signs of Cell Phone Addiction

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Amazing facts around us

This digital age has shrunken the world. Now we have access to internet which itself is a world of its own. Information sharing is easy and accessible now. I receive few emails which are stuffed with 'interesting news' or 'stuff' which is useful or worth of sharing. I am writing few posts at this blog which are taken from my 'inbox'.
A very touchy information is about 'Allah's creations and amazing facts around us'

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Use of Google Earth in classroom

'Google Earth' is useful for many day-to-day and other purposes. This article is very useful for students or teachers who want to make use of this helpful online tool.
Teachers can adopt Google Earth in the classroom for lesson planning, such as teaching students geographical themes (location, culture, characteristics, human interaction, and movement).
Students can use Google Earth to explore topics like the progress of human civilization, the growth of cities, the impact of civilization on the natural environment, and the impact of natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina.

What is Google Earth?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Screen friendly fonts for online browsing

In my previous article I discussed about 'printer friendly' fonts which can save your money for printing jobs. Today we are learning about 'screen friendly fonts' which are comfortable to read. Certain fonts can be clearly readable and comfortable for eyes. While online browsing, screen-friendly fonts helps protect your eyes and reduce stress.
Let's learn about screen friendly fonts:

Screen-friendly fonts:
The best choices are Verdana, Trebuchet MS and the serif font Georgia. These fonts are>;also highly readable on paper. These three fonts are modern, friendly and professional, and exceptionally easy to read on-screen. All these fonts are great to look at on screen and on paper.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tutorials for teachers- Essential softwares for your computers

This tutorial is about essential software programs which you may need to use your computer effectively. Most of the software programs are available at no cost.

Whenever I re-install my 'Windows' I keep a folder ready at 'software' drive which is named as 'Essential software' as I need those programs to install every time I install new 'Windows'. Let's learn basics about 'Windows'
Windows is the most popular PC operating system in the world. An operating system, or OS, is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer would be useless. Other programs can't run on a PC until the OS is loaded and running. Windows 98, Windows XP, and now Windows 7 or 8 are examples of operating systems.

Tutorials for teachers - Learning about software programs and how to install them?

While I was taking the computer training session for my co-teachers, I noticed that teachers are enthusiastic about use of computers and internet. During online search for education materials, we need to save our documents, but often it becomes difficult to open that file.
What kind of files we need to open?
Mostly these files are in Word, PDF, PowerPoint, Zip, Rar format. So if your computer doesn't have specific software to open these files, you cannot get results from your search. I am listing here essential software programs which are helpful to open specific kind of files.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why Muslim Women Wear Hijaab and is there any Hijaab in Other Religions?

Hijaab (or burka) is an Arabic word meaning barrier or partition. Hijab is the principle of modesty in Islam and includes behaviour as well as dress for both males and females. The most important thing about Hijab is that it gives you an identity of a Muslim. Moreover, it is another way of obedience to Allah's (SWT) command. How the communities of world can abide a muslim woman to wear hijaab when there is no restriction for other religions to follow the dress code according to their customs or religious teachings?

In Islam, the words of Allah (God) are that the women should be modest and follow the principle of clothing. She should cover her beauty. At home or among family or in front of her husband there is no need to wear the Muslim headscarf. Many Muslim women wear the headscarf.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Teachers tutorial - Refining your online search with web directories

If you are clear about the topic of your query, start with a Web directory rather than a search engine. Directories probably won't give you anywhere near as many references as a search engine will, but they are more likely to be on topic.

A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. A web directory is a subject-tree style catalogue that organizes the Web into major topics such as education, health, science, etc. A web directory is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory.

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