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Friday, September 24, 2010

Ideas to teach good manners to your kids with the help of toys

Toys are meant to play or have fun but toys can play a role of a teacher when you use them as a learning tool. Toys can keep the kids busy for hours while calming them down at some annoying moments. Toys can also help children teach good manners. This article offers tips and ideas to learn how you can use toys as a tool to manage your child's behavior.

Toys make amazing rewards that can encourage kids to behave. Toys can be used to encourage general good behavior or you can use them to teach manners, stop phone interruptions and more.

The power of kid’s toys is utterly amazing when you start using them as leverage for positive behavior.

How Kid’s Toys can Encourage Overall Good Behavior?

Get three of anything. It can be three pennies, three rocks, three trivial toys etc… Put the three items in a drawer. Put your child’s name on a plastic cup. When you see your child doing something good like using manners, treating his sibling nice or more then place one of the three items in your child’s cup.

Tell your child that he earned 1 point for his good behavior and compliment him on a job well done! Let him know that if he earns 3 points that day that you will play with him and his favorite toy at the end of the day. Now if you find that it’s too easy for your child to earn 3 points consider bumping it up to 5 or more. When play time arrives, count up the points and if he’s earned the right quantity let him go and get his favorite toy of the day and play with him for at least 30 minutes. You’ll find that doing this will improve your child’s behavior very quickly and once he learns that you’ll play “his way” for 30 minutes he’ll be very determined to earn those points every day!

Using Kid’s Toys to Teach Manners

If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or doll then you’re in luck! You can use his furry friends to help teach him good manners. You’ll first need to write down a list of manners that you want your child to learn. Do you want to teach him table manners and help him learn to say please and thank you often? Do you want him to know how to address adults like Mrs. Smith instead of using first names? Do you want to teach him how to say hello and goodbye on the phone and in person? What you teach your child is up to you, but it’s a good idea to write a list and practice often till it sinks in.

To teach table manners, have your child bring is favorite stuffed animal or doll to dinner. Ask him how his doll should be sitting and have him place his doll in the appropriate sitting position. Then ask your child to do as doll does. Then ask him to tell you what his doll should do if he wants to talk, but has a mouth full of food. Use his doll as an example for every table manner you want to teach your child. You can even have him place a napkin on dolly’s lap. You could have your child roll play his “inside” voice talking through his doll and even talk about how dolly could use his manners at a restaurant.

Later, go to the family room and have your child and doll sit on the couch. Have your child tell you how dolly can use the words please and thank you throughout the day. Roll play with the doll. Encourage your child to have fun with the roll plays to really “show off” his knowledge of good manners. Let him add lib and make things up and ask him to have dolly show you all the good manners that he has. This can be very fun, as well as, quite educational and effective at teaching manners.

Using Kid’s Toys to Stop Phone Interruptions

Everyone has been on the phone and had their child run up making tons of non-stop noise! This is annoying for mom and annoying to the caller, but it can be prevented by simply creating a phone call kid’s toy box. First step is to get a box. You can choose a pretty basket or plastic bin depending on where you want to keep the container. Get a box that’s big enough to fit 2 or 3 kid’s toys. Then you’ll want to choose some toys to put in it. I’d advocate choosing toys that encourage long-time play such as: blocks, pretend play toys, puzzles or anything else that will keep your child’s attention.

Talk with your child about the importance of not interrupting you while you’re on the phone. Let him know that he now has a special “phone toy box” that can only be opened when you’re on a phone call. Show him the box and the special toys inside. Tell him that every time you’re on the phone he can play with those toys. Let him know that if he’s really good you’ll let him choose some new toys every 2, 4 or 6 months (depending on what you decide and your budget) that he can put in his phone toy box.

If he’s quiet while you’re on the phone then he can keep playing with his special toys until the call is over. If he interrupts, then the toys go back up on the shelf straightaway. If he needs to tell you something “important” you can practice teaching him how to interrupt the nice way. Have him walk over to you and place his hand on your arm or knee and wait till you excuse yourself from the call. Teach him not make noise as he approaches.

As you start using toys as rewards you’ll ascertain how much fun it can be to teach your child good behavior without having to use negative consequences. These techniques are a win/win for you and your child because each of you will get what you want in the end!

Author: Kim Proulx, a Certified Parent Coach.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Importance of breakfast for children

I have noticed at my nursery class that few children come to school without eating breakfast and parents don't know that breakfast is important for young learners. 

National studies consistently confirm that breakfast provides fuel for school and boosts brain power. Eating breakfast:
  • Improves classroom performance, including better test scores and grades
  • Increases children's ability to focus and concentrate on school work
  • Decreases behavior problems, tardiness and visits to the school nurse
  • Increases attendance rate 
When students routinely start their day with breakfast, chances are good that it will become a habit that carries into their teenage and adult years. 

Tiffin or break time can be an alternate to breakfast if kids skip their morning breakfast or snacks.

There is a lot of evidence that breakfast, either at home or at school, is an important way to start the day. Many studies suggest that regular breakfast skippers don't optimize their nutrition during the day. And, going without breakfast can lead to poor behavior. Breakfast eaters are more likely to be calmer, less anxious, more focused and learn better. Breakfast also tends to organize children's day, particularly if they eat breakfast at school.

A regular pattern of missing breakfast is likely to lead to not eating all the important nutrients. Breakfast offers an opportunity for children to make up whatever they might not get in the rest of the day, especially if they snack on foods that provide few nutrients and little fiber.

Plan the breakfast or tiffin in ahead keeping in mind:
  • Let the Food Groups Be the Guide. As a rule-of-thumb, make sure lunches include at least three of the MyPyramid Five Food Groups. Pack whole, fresh foods instead of processed foods. For example, fresh fruit instead of fruit snacks.
  • Have Children Buy Milk. Send money to school for children to purchase milk with their lunch instead packing a fruit juice, fruit-drink or soft drink. Research shows that children who drink milk with lunch are more likely to meet their daily calcium needs. Fruit flavored beverages and soft drinks provide calories and few, if any, nutrients. If children bring juice with lunch, make sure it is 100 percent juice. Make sure you pack low-fat cheese or a yogurt in their lunch for a Milk Group serving.
  • Let Children Choose Flavored Milk. Flavored milk has the same nutrients as white milk. Research shows that children who drink flavored milk don't consume more fat or sugar than children who drink only white milk.
  • Serve the Same Foods with a New Twist. Cut cheese into cubes instead of slices or cut apples into circles instead of wedges.
  • Consider Likes and Dislikes. Have your children help you create a list of foods they like for lunch. Take them to the grocery store and ask for lunch box suggestions.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tips to help reduce screen time for your kids

Screentime is the time spent in front of a screen. Anything that has a screen counts towards screentime, like televisions, computers, video games, and even cell phones. The more time that is spent in front of a screen, the less time is spent moving. Time spent watching TV takes time away from reading, playing and being active. Watching a lot fo TV can be bad for children's health and can effect the children's weight.

 The researchers found that children who spent the least amount of time watching television, using the computer, and playing video games had much lower blood pressure levels than those who spent the most time in front of a screen. There are more bad effects of spending more time in front of screen.

Preschoolers with TVs in their bedroom watch an additional 4.8 hours of TV or videos every week.
1 in 4 children under the age of 2 years has a TV in their bedroom.

According to 'The Kaiser Family Foundation':

"American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70 they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives watching TV."
Tips to Reduce Screen Time
  • Talk to Your Family: Explain to your kids that it's important to sit less and move more in order to stay at a healthy weight. Tell them they’ll also have more energy, and it will help them develop and/or perfect new skills, such as riding a bike or shooting hoops, that could lead to more fun with friends. Tell them you’ll do the same.
  • Set a Good Example: You need to be a good role model and limit your screen time to no more than two hours per day, too. If your kids see you following your own rules, then they’ll be more likely to do the same.
  • Log Screen Time vs. Active Time: Start tracking how much time your family spends in front of a screen, including things like TV- and DVD-watching, playing video games, and using the computer for something other than school or work. Then take a look at how much physical activity they get. That way you’ll get a sense of what changes need to be made. Use the Children's Screen Time Log (230 KB) to do it.
  • Make Screen Time = Active Time: When you do spend time in front of the screen, do something active. Stretch, do yoga and/or lift weights. Or, challenge the family to see who can do the most push-ups, jumping jacks, or leg lifts during TV commercial breaks.  
  • Set Screen Time Limits: Create a house rule that limits screen time to two hours every day. More importantly, enforce the rule.  
  • Create Screen-free Bedrooms: Don’t put a TV or computer in your child's bedroom. Kids who have TVs in their room tend to watch about 1.5 hours more TV a day than those that don’t. Plus, it keeps them in their room instead of spending time with the rest of the family.  
  • Make Meal Time = Family Time: Turn off the TV during meals. Better yet, remove the TV from the eating area if you have one there. Family meals are a good time to talk to each other. Research shows that families who eat together tend to eat more nutritious meals. Make eating together a priority and schedule family meals at least two to three times a week.  
  • Provide Other Options: Watching TV can become a habit, making it easy to forget what else is out there. Give your kids ideas and/or alternatives, such as playing outside, getting a new hobby, or learning a sport. See more tips for getting physically active.
  • Don't Use TV Time as Reward or Punishment: Practices like this make TV seem even more important to children.
  • Understand TV Ads Placements: Seeing snack foods, candy, soda, and fast food on television affects all of us, especially kids. Help your child understand that because it’s on TV—or your favorite TV characters/actors eat or drink it—doesn’t mean a food or drink is good for you. Get your kids to think about why their favorite cartoon character is trying to get them to eat a certain brand of breakfast cereal.
Tips provided by: 'National Heart Lung and Blood Institute'

According to a survey statistics: Children ages 8–18 spend the following amount of time in front of the screen, daily:
  • Approximately 7.5 hours using entertainment media
  • Approximately 4.5 hours watching TV
  • Approximately 1.5 hours on the computer
  • Over an hour playing video games  
These data lie in stark contrast to the 25 minutes per day that children spend reading books.
Today's youth also have the following media in their bedrooms:

More than one–third have a computer, and Internet access
Half have video game players
More than two–thirds have TVs
Those with bedroom TVs spend an hour more in front of the screen than those without TVs
Health experts say screen time at home should be limited to two hours or less a day, unless it’s work- or homework-related. The time we spend in front of the screen could be better spent being more physically active (increasing our ENERGY OUT), and setting a good example for our families.

- Both scary and reassuring. Scary because it makes clear just how little we know about potentially harmful effects of 'tubes' on our brains, but reassuring that someone is finally asking the questions which so desperately need to be answered!"—Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist, Author of Endangered Minds and Failure to Connect

- "Well done.... An outstanding investigative movie that begins to present interesting questions about the true nature of television. It presents many compelling facts and questions about an activity that most people take for granted."—

Useful links and resoruces:

* Reviews of :The Tube: A Film by Peter Entell
* Web MD: “Screen Time Boosts Kids’ Blood Pressure”

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Online useful resources for teachers and learning Part-1

I am writing these few posts about online resources (mostly free) for teachers. This series of posts about useful resources would continue till I gather most links to share with you, so subscribe to the blog to get updated posts, so don't miss the upcoming articles.

* The Really Big List of Classroom Management Resources:
Monmouth University graduate students worked hard for whole one week scouring the entire Internet, and this list is many of the best that cyberspace has to offer.

Link: The Really Big List of Classroom Management Resources

* The Really Useful List of Fill-in-the-Blank Web Tools for Teachers and Students:

If you are looking for ways to make good use of the Internet in your classroom then the treasure trove of mostly fill-in-the-blank tools may be just what you need to get started. It includes tools, forms, templates, checklists, and interactive activities that will enable you generate Web sites, lessons, puzzles, rubrics, projects, games and a whole lot more.

10 valiant members of the Monmouth University online course, ED 554 OL Modern Educational Practices, worked night and day to bring you an impressive list of practical tools and resources you might really use in K-12 classrooms.

Link: The Really Useful List of Fill-in-the-Blank Web Tools for Teachers and Students

* Blogging, Web and Wiki Tools: These tools can be used to create blogs, web pages/sites and wikis as well as provide interactivity, RSS feeds, forms web polls, etc through a range of widgets and plugins
Link: Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quotes about learning and education

These quotes are a  reminder for teachers who want to enhance their teaching all the time.
  • The job of an educator is to teach students to see vitality in themselves.-- Joseph Campbell
  • Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.-- W. B. Yeats
  • The objective of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.-- Robert Maynard Hutchins
  • There is a brilliant child locked inside every student.-- Marva Collins
  • A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.-- Henry B. Adams
  • Information cannot replace education.-- Earl Kiole
  • We all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how.-- Anonymous
  • The kids in our classroom are infinitely more significant than the subject matter we teach.-- Meladee McCarty
  • Teaching is not a profession; it's a passion.-- Unknown
  • Your heart is slightly bigger than the average human heart, but that's because you're a teacher.-- Aaron Bacall
  • Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.-- David M. Burns
  • A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as comets amongst the stars.-- Linnaeus
  • A teacher effects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.-- Henry Adams
  • Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.-- Mark Twain
  • An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.-- Bill Bernbach
  • Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.-- Aristotle
  • It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated.-- Alec Bourne
  • It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.-- Aristotle
  • Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten-- B. F. Skinner
  • Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater.-- Gail Godwin
  • Education is the best provision for old age.-- Aristotle
  • Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.-- Confucius
  • The mark of a true MBA is that he is often wrong but seldom in doubt.-- Robert Buzzell
  • If I were asked ... to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of Americans ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply: To the superiority of their women.-- Alexis de Tocqueville
  • Children need models rather than critics.-- Joseph Joubert
  • The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-trust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple.--Amos Bronson Alcott
  • It is the responsibility of every adult... to make sure that children hear what we have learned from the lessons of life and to hear over and over that we love them and that they are not alone-- Marian Wright Edelman
  • Education is more than filling a child with facts. It starts with posing questions.-- D.T. Max
  • If people did not do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.-- Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in.-- Abraham Lincoln
  • It's okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers -- they help us to learn.-- John Bradshaw
  • It's not what is poured into a student, but what is planted.--Linda Conway
  • It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.-- Albert Einstein
  • Instruction begins when you, the teacher, learn from the learner; put yourself in his place so that you may understand… what he learns and the way he understands it.-- Soren Kierkegaard
  • If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.-- Thumper's father (Bambi 1942)
  • A child cannot be taught by anyone who despises him.-- James Baldwin
  • That is the difference between good teachers and great teachers: good teachers make the best of a pupil's means; great teachers foresee a pupil's ends.-- Maria Callas
  • A word as to the education of the heart. We don't believe that this can be imparted through books; it can only be imparted through the loving touch of the teacher.-- Cesar Chavez
  • The highest result of education is tolerance.-- Helen Keller
More at: The Really Big List of Education Quotes & Links

Saturday, September 4, 2010

So you want to be a great teacher?

I love to read and bookmark the teaching or learning blogs and whenever I am succeeded to find a site or blog I am happy to share it with my blog readers. Today's blog review is for teachers who love their profession and want to get useful information or suggestions from other experienced teachers to become great teachers.

'So you want to teach' is a teacher's blog who is trying to become a great teacher. Blog is loaded with useful articles. It includes the useful tips and ideas to manage classrooms, dealing with students, how to enhance your teaching etc.

Joel (the blogger) says: 'This blog is different -I strive to keep a personal atmosphere and writing style, while freely transferring practical information in meaningful and positive ways.'

He further says: 'I began teaching band in 2002. Though I had a lot of information, my classes were out of control. I was tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting.

I had had enough. I resigned from my school district right before spring break of my second year and made it my personal mission to learn to be a great teacher.

So You Want To Teach? is the ongoing story of my quest for educational excellence.'

Popular post section seems quite interesting and valuable for teachers as it includes:
  • Top 5 (Plus 14) Character Traits Of Superior Teachers
  • 9 Reasons To Quit Teaching (And 10 Reasons To Stick)
  • 5 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers
  • Are Classroom Rules Needed?
  • How Do I Keep My Students Quiet?
  • Fun Back to School Activities
  • Habit 2: Classroom Habits
  • New Teacher Survival Kit 
You can start browsing the site by going directly to the popular post titles or just click the 'Start' tab to go for 20 classic articles.

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    What are the situations when parents start annoying teachers?

    I am a parent plus teacher and I can judge the situation when parents are not co-operative and make situation annoying for teachers. Parents can help teacheres following the rules and regulation established by the school authorities, as most of the conflicts happen because parents don't care about following it.

    These are situations when parents start annoying teachers and they wished parents wouldn't do:
    Bring their kids to school late
    "When a child is late every day by more than 15 minutes, it takes them out of the routine and ritual of the morning," says Otis Kriegel, a veteran New York City teacher and founder of, a website that provides tips for parents of elementary-school-age kids.
    "If a child is struggling in class, either academically or emotionally, this is more detrimental to their success."
    It's also not OK for kids to miss important school days — state tests, curriculum-related field trips and the like, Kriegel says. Also, please get your child back to school when classes resume after vacation (if you have to miss a day, he says, miss the last day before break).
    Fail to stay on top of homework and class communications
    Katje Lehrman, a kindergarten teacher in Los Angeles, urges parents to check their kids' backpacks every day. "Children often use their backpacks the way homeless people use shopping carts," she says. Chances are very good they contain notices, incomplete homework, toys that should stay at home, and other things. I've even found fruit decomposing in a backpack when it started to leak in the closet.
    Have a 'Goldilocks' problem with homework — be too much or too little involved
    Phillip Done, a teacher and the author of "Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind," says homework that's full of mistakes is OK. "If you do it for them and it comes back perfect, the teacher doesn't know what to work on," he says. "Better full of mistakes than perfect."
    Just as you don't want to do your kid's homework, make sure you also encourage and monitor it, says Candice Broom, who's both a parent and a substitute teacher at an international school in Laos. And please, don't ask a teacher to assign more homework. That's just weird (and yes, parents do it).
    Expect the teacher to do more than teach
    Teachers are responsible for a lot of students. They are not responsible for, say, your child's jacket. "I often have parents e-mail or call and ask me to go to the lost and found to find their child's clothing," says Courtney Graham, a San Francisco-area teacher. "I even had a parent leave a message one morning right after school started to ask me to check to be sure her child's shoes weren't too tight, and if they were, to go down to the lost and found and find him a bigger pair to 'borrow.'"
    Abuse e-mail or phone calls
    Phillip Done knows a teacher who received more than 200 e-mails from a parent. Other teachers talk about receiving updates on, say, how many pieces of toast Elmer ate in the morning, and his resulting energy level — that sort of thing. E-mail is for letting the teacher know your child has a doctor's appointment, or that his lunch is in the office, Done says. If you want to talk about concerns you have with your child, make an appointment instead. (And yes, you can use e-mail for that.) Also, new technologies like Facebook are fun, but please don't "friend" the teacher.
    * At our school we teachers offer a consult timing at late evening to discuss learning related matters but it is a very common practice that many parents call us just to know if tomorrow shool is closed or not? (They often don't check the diaries, notices or holiday routines)
    Hijack the morning or afternoon
    Teachers don't have free time right before and after school. They're readying the classroom, planning lessons and doing other vital things. That's not a good time to chat with a teacher about anything. If you need a meeting, or want to talk about something, arrange an appointment.
    Behave badly at birthdays
    Though most parents know not to celebrate their own birthdays in school, sometimes they throw parties for their kids that are disruptive. Julie Rebboah, a former teacher and president of Lightning Bug Learning, wishes parents wouldn't send cakes that need cutting, or jugs of juice that need to be poured. Presents and balloons are for the party at home. "And please don't be mad at me when we can't have a full birthday party at school," she says. "My job is to teach, and the kids are at school to learn."
    Wait until the last minute to ask for assistance
    If your child needs individual tutoring before a test, or has an academic problem that needs to be solved, don't wait until the last minute. Dr. Richard E. Bavaria, Sylvan Learning's senior vice president for education outreach, cringes when he sees that happen. "Any time adults wait to alleviate an academic problem, the child is ill-served," he says. "When you suspect a child is having a problem, get help right away before the child's learning and confidence are affected."
    Believe the worst about a teacher or school
    In his 40 years as an educator, Bavaria has heard his share of crazy rumors — that there's a suspension quota a principal has to fill, or the biology teacher makes kids dissect live frogs. He and other teachers urge parents to assume good intentions on the part of the school.
    Forget who the teacher is serving
    Some parents devour the teacher's time and energy not because their student is in need, but because the parents feel in need of TLC. As warm and wonderful as many teachers are, they are not a parent's support system.
    Putting yourself in teacher's shoes would bring solution to these annoying situations.
    Fortunately, most parents are considerate and understand that teachers are juggling a lot, several teachers told me. In case you've been accidentally annoying, don't fret. You can make up for it.
    Sources (with the courtesy of): By 'Martha Brockenbrough'-10 Things Parents Do to Annoy Teachers -MSN 's 'Moms Home Room'

    Sunday, August 29, 2010

    A nutrition and health blog from a padriatric nutrition mom -Beyong Parent'

    During writing review for 'preschooler mom' I came across another nice blog 'Beyond Parent' which is from a registered Dietitian and Certified Lactation Counselor. Debra has got a Master's Degree in Public Health. Her nutrition specialties include perinatal nutrition, pediatric nutrition, breastfeeding, and food allergies.

    'Beyond Parents' is a parent blog dealing in nutrition and health of children.

    'The goal of Beyond Prenatals is to encourage and empower women to learn more about nutrition during preconception, pregnancy, and early childhood...and to go "beyond" prenatal vitamins in striving to create healthy families.'

    As the blogger is herself a padiatric nutrition specialists it is obvious that you may get useful tips and suggestions regarding child and kid's food, health etc.
    It seems that she is also a working and busy mom, so there are not frequent articles at the blog but the advice and useful information you can get from the blog is worth to check.

    You can also follow her at 'twitter' or get subscription of the blog to get updated post news.

    Saturday, August 28, 2010

    A blog for mothers of preschoolers with tips and resources

    I love to share the resources I find during my browsing the net. It is a pleasure for me to discover good stuff, good blogs with useful tips, and resources. Being an educator at a primary school and dealing with reception stage children (4 years to 5 year old), I am in need of more ideas and tips to adopt for my own classroom. I prefer to bookmark blogs which are created with personal touch and experience. 'Preschool mama' is one of those blogs which I have subscribed to get updates of next articles.

    'Preschool mama'  is a wonderful blog sharing resources for mothers of preschoolers. The blog is created by a former Montessori preschool teacher and mother of a kid.

    What you can find at the blog?
    • Blog has a lot of stuff to help you give your child an edge, enhance his learning and reading skills, and boost self esteem.
    • You can find resources, easy tips and how tos for fun activities and crafts projects. 
    • Get advice on dealing with common preschooler health and nutrition issues.
    • Simple and easy ideas for arts and crafts that combine creativity with a great bonding experience for you and your child.
    • Resources to help with potty training and bed wetting issues, ways to enhance socials skills and encourage independent thinking, and a lot more.
    The blogger says:
    'You’ll find all the stuff that’s worked for me, the well meaning tips that didn’t, and the tricks I wish I’d known when I was raising my son.
    You’ll also find advice, inspiration and motivation for you, the PreSchool Mama, without who this blog wouldn’t exist.'

    Start seaching the sites from 'Best of preschool mama' page where you can find posts covering all the topics essentail for the skill or persoanlity development of your child.

    Note: Unfortunately blog is not being updated since two years, but still there is good stuff at the blog.

    Friday, August 27, 2010

    How we can successfully recycle at school?

    How can we recycle and save our money, resources and environment?
    Teachers can teach their children to reduce resource consumption, reuse where it is possible and utimate result is that there is less wastage and rubbish. We can learn to recycle objects near and around our classroom, and school.

    Recycling is only one of the things we can do about waste. It is about the 3Rs -
    1. reduce resource consumption
    2. maximise resource reuse
    3. increase the percentage of waste they recycle
    How we can successfully recycle at school:

    • Rather than asking pupils to start a new page for each piece of work, get them to rule off below previous work and continue on the same page.
    • Develop strategies that encourage your children not to throw written work away as soon as they make a mistake.
    • Cut the amount of paper used by your school through greater use of I.C.T., both in lessons and for administration.
    • Cut down on photocopying. Ask yourself whether it is the best way of presenting the information to your class. Would using Powerpoint or an OHP be better? If you do need to photocopy, do it double-sided whenever practical.
    • Is it necessary to print everything that's done in the I.C.T. room out onto paper? And if so, could it be printed double sided?
    • When sending home letters, combine information into one letter rather than sending three separate letters. Ensure that families only get sent one copy and consider whether it is feasible to send information by other means e.g. e-mail.
    • About one fifth by weight of most schools' waste consists of food. If your school has a lot of food waste, could this be because pupils are being given portions that are too big or that they are being given things that they don't want to eat?
    • Talk to the people who do the catering for your school about buying food with less packaging on.
    • Aim towards 'waste-free lunches' for those who bring a packed lunch. Encourage children not to bring more food than they can eat and to use reusable bottles and flasks for drinks instead of individual cartons or cans. They could also be asked to use reusable airtight containers for snacks and packed lunches instead of disposable wrappers.
    • Give careful thought to what is sold in your school tuck shop, both in terms of healthy eating and the amount of waste produced. Reduce the number of crisp packets in your school bin by having crisp-free days and generally limiting the number of packets eaten per child, promoting fruit as a healthier alternative.
    • For parties at Christmas and the end of term, use washable plates and cups instead of disposable ones made from paper and plastic.
    • Save money by sharing infrequently used resources with other nearby schools.
    • Always use both sides of a piece of paper, before you recycle it or throw it away. Make sure that every classroom has a 'scrap' paper tray and put paper that has only been used on one side into this, rather than putting it straight in the bin or sending it off for recycling. The paper can then be used for 'rough work' or at wet playtimes. Another good place for one of these scrap trays is by the photocopier!
    • Reuse items of waste in art work, and use plastic pots for growing seeds, etc. Reuse old paper which cannot be written on any more to make papier mache models or your own recycled paper.
    • Provide children with reusable 'sports bottles' that can be cleaned out and refilled every day.
    • Ask your office staff to reuse envelopes by sticking a label over the old address. This will save money as well as reduce the number of envelopes thrown away.
    • Collect in photocopied worksheets and store them so that they can be used again in subsequent years. This will save you work too!
    • Hold a bring and buy sale to raise money for your school to which people can bring old clothes, toys or books for someone else to buy and reuse.
    • Request that teachers reuse paper when changing classroom displays
    • Make use of rechargeable batteries and refillable print cartridges.
    • More than 80 scrapstores exist throughout the UK to take in scrap materials to be used in work with children. Join your local scrapstore and persuade your 'after school club' to do the same.
    • Don't just throw old school furniture in a skip. Find out if anyone else can make use of it first. Many projects exist to pass unwanted furniture to voluntary groups and people in need and there are also similar schemes for computers.
    • Give old tools from the school workshops to Tools for Self Reliance who can refurbish these before sending them on to developing countries.
    • Not surprisingly, the main material thrown away by schools is paper, which makes up at least quarter of their waste. Contact the recycling officer at your local council and ask them to provide your school with a paper recycling bin or equivalent. Then, set up a system of paper collection from each classroom which can be taken to the main recycling bin at the end of each day or week. Also ask them if they are running a Yellow Woods Challenge so that you can recycle Yellow Pages directories.
    • Set up a composting scheme or a worm composter for food & green waste, including all the staff's tea bags and fruit scraps. Again your local council's recycling officer may be able to help here. In some cases, compost bins can be provided to schools free of charge.
    • If your school has a drinks vending machine, put a bin next to it to collect up old cans for recycling. You can even join schemes which will enable you to make money from these for your school. For more information on these, see 'What your school can do about waste' on the Waste on the Web page of this site.
    • Cardboard milk cartons can also be recycled. Wash them out after use and store them for collection.
    • Encourage your school to buy and use recycled paper and other recycled products. Doing so may mean that in the short term you pay higher prices for some goods but in the long term it will increase demand and lower prices. A number of websites containing information about recycled products are listed on the Waste on the Web page of this site.
    • So remember to reduce, reuse and recycle your waste. It is much better to reduce waste in the first place as then there is less to deal with. Reusing things is the second best option as it saves you buying new things. After you have reduced and reused as much as you can, recycle.
    The last thing that should cross your mind is to throw it in the bin!

    Useful links:

    * 'Online resources for recycling'

    * 'Recycle Zone' a site for schools, children and teachers to help them learn about recycling. It is part of Waste Watch website, located at :

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Which is best age to buy your child a cell phone?

    My son is now 11 plus and sometimes he asks me to buy a cell phone. But I think that parents should be careful about providing this facility to their children. I will buy him a phone for safety reasons,  just to reach him anytime.
    Recently I read a very useful article at 'NY times' about 'When to Buy Your Child a Cellphone' which is full of advice from experts. I am writing only experts of this post, but if you want to read full post, check the source link at the bottom of the post.

    There is no age that suits all children, developmental psychologists and child safety experts say. It depends on the child’s maturity level and need for the phone, and the ability to be responsible for the device — for example, keeping it charged, keeping it on and not losing it. Instead of giving in to the claim that “everyone else has one,” parents should ask why the child needs one, how it will be used and how well the child handles distraction and responsibility.

    “You need to figure out, are your kids capable of following your rules?” about using the phone, said Parry Aftab, executive director of the child advocacy group Wired Safety.
    Ruth Peters, a child psychologist in Clearwater, Fla., said most children were not ready for their own phones until age 11 to 14, when they were in middle school. Often, that is when they begin traveling alone to and from school, or to after-school activities, and may need to call a parent to change activities at the last minute or coordinate rides.

    “Most parents want to give a cellphone to keep them safe, but that ignores the great majority of uses that kids are using cellphones for,” said James P. Steyer, the chief executive of the nonprofit group Common Sense Media, which rates children’s media. He said that with those added features can come addictive behavior, cyberbullying, “sexting” (sending nude photos by text message), cheating in class and, for older teenagers, distracted driving.
    Dr. Peters suggested that parents avoid buying children younger than 13 a phone with a camera and Internet access. “If they don’t have access to it, it’s just cleaner,” she said.

    For children, it is all about social life and wanting to impress peers. The Pew study found that half of 12- to 17-year-olds sent 50 text messages a day and texted their friends more than they talked to them on the phone or even face to face.

    Patricia Greenfield, a psychology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who specializes in children’s use of digital media, cautioned that at younger ages, parents might miss out on what was going on with their children because of a cellphone.
    “Kids want the phone so that they can have private communication with their peers,” she said. “You should wait as long as possible, to maintain parent-child communication.”

    Source: When to Buy Your Child a Cellphone

    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Learn the basics of calligraphy online with free tutorials

    Calligraphy is generally recognized as the Art of Beautiful Writing. It is also called typography. You can easily learn calligraphy with some practice at home while getting online help. There are many sites which offer free tutorials to start learning calligraphy. You can start learning with simple writing instruments or tools and paper.

    You can also buy calligraphy bools and tools, stationary to start this fascinating hobby. It can be catagorized as an art form involving a lot of creativity. The more creative you are and enthusiastic about colour, shapes, designs you can be a good calligrapher with some practice.

    There are many different ways of writing the letters of the alphabet.
    In Typography these various representations are referred to as Fonts, in Calligraphy the various styles are referred to as Hands.

    The primary tools used by Calligraphers to write are pens and brushes, pens and brushes can be either pointed or flat (broad).

    Generally Calligraphy refers to a style of writing in which the width of various parts of a letter varies.

    In the case of pointed pens or brushes these variations in thickness are provided by variations in pressure of the pen or brush on the paper.

    With flat, or as they are usually referred to broad, pens or brushes, the variations are given by the variation of the angle at which the pen is held relative to the direction of the stroke.

    Useful links and resources:

    * 'Calligraphy online lessons'
    Note: Lessons are not complete as you are asked to buy cd for the detailed lessons or course. But still the information at few pages are enough to start learning calligraphy.

    * 'Learn' is the best place to start learning Calligraphy. Includes the basics, calligraphy alphabet, calligraphy history, how to begin, etc. Very useful.

    * Learn How to Draw Beautiful Lettering - offers online basic Calligraphy lesson to get started.

    * Decorative Calligraphy - Many great articles for learning about calligraphy, the different styles, and how to get started.

    * 'Studio arts' offers basic three part lesson helping you learn how to start learning this fun and art form of writing.

    Sunday, July 18, 2010

    Tips to buy safe and healthy lunch box for kids

    Every mom wants to provide healthy and safe food for school going kids, but we sometimes ignore to check the material we use for packing lunch to tiffin. Parents should carefully select the food grade lunch boxes for their kids.

    If you want to make sure that the healthy lunch that you pack for your child stays healthy and nutritious, you can avoid common contaminants and costly throw-aways by choosing the right lunch box solutions.
    These tips are helpful to choose safe product for your kid's health and select lunch box made of harmless material which is healthier for regular use.

    Cotton, bamboo spork, stainless steel, cloth are safe products for lunch boxes.

    Metal or cloth is better than plastic:
    Many plastic lunch boxes are made of PVC, which can contain contaminants such as lead, or leach chemicals like phthalates and BPA. If plastic is your best option, look for lunch boxes that are phthalate and BPA-free.

    Wrap without plastic wrap or plastic baggies: Some plastic wrap and baggies are made with toxic chemical phthalates. Re-useable containers are a better choice; or you can choose butcher paper and bags such as GLAD brand made with polyethelyne.

    Pack it yourself:
    Packaging for greasy foods like microwave popcorn and french fries may be treated with PFCs, a non-stick coating linked to health disorders. Canned food and soda may also leach the chemical BPA. Choosing fresh or bulk food to package yourself is a healthier alternative.

    Pack a No-Waste Lunch Box: The idea of lunch brought to and from school in a paper or plastic bag seems old fashion, but the use of an actual lunch box or reusable sack makes your eco-friendly options all the easier.

    And finally, pack your food and drink in reusable containers. Just think of all the money you'd save per child per school year if you packed just two snacks and a drink in reusable containers.

    Plastic Free Snacks and Sandwiches:
    It's also great to stop using all those plastic zip bags and try reusable snack bags. These bags are handmade and come in some pretty fabrics. They're simple to wash and keep food fresh all day.

    Thursday, July 15, 2010

    How to teach drawing to kids with simple shapes?

    Teaching drawing to kids is fun as kids are very enthusiastic in learning and creativity process which is the main process in learning art/drawing. Teachers or parents can make this learning process easier and fun by applying some simple techniques.

    Basic geomatrical shapes like circle, square, triangle, and rectangle are easy steps for the creation of simple pictures. Step by step instructions make it easy for kids to create pictures with simple shapes.

    This techniques can be applied to teach drawing easier to preschoolers, home schoolers, kinder garteners etc. I start teaching drawing to my nursery class with very simple steps. Kids are promoted to  nursery after 'play' class (which is called reception year in some countries) they learn to draw circle, square, triangle and rectangle in their first year in school.

    Most of the children are comfortable with circle which is very easy to draw. I first ask them to draw a circle, then add more circles or few strokes and then ask what is this object? Usually kids are very excited to see transformation of simple circle into cat, flower, clock etc.

    Pictire at the left side shows the process of teaching duck with oval shape and curve lines.

    - You can make house, train, etc with square shape
    - Trianle can be transformed into flag, tree, star, etc
    - Rectangle shape: van, truck, train etc

    Ask the kids if they can think of any other objects with these shapes?
    You would be surprised with the ideas coming from your class children. Encourage them to draw their own pictures.

    Useful links:

    * How to Teach Kindergarten Drawing

    * 'Morning' have a very useful post 'Drawing in the Classroom, by Marcia MacEachron.
    Link: Basic Drawing in the Classroom

    Tuesday, July 13, 2010

    Download free parental control software to keep your kids safe online

     It is really difficult to keep our kids safe online as we cannot monitor all the time what they are doing online?
    Parental control softwares usually block unwanted or adult sites but you need to be informed about their activities while surfing online. 'Norton' software developers has created parental control software to help them keep safe online. Before getting more information about the software, just check these statistics:

    Some facts about use of computer and internet among our kids:
    • Kids spend an average of 40 hours a month online.
    • 32% of teens clear the browser history to hide what they do online from their parents
    • 63% of teens surveyed admit they know how to hide what they do online from their parents
    • 22% of teen girls say they have sent or posted nude or seminude pictures or videos of themselves online.
    • 32% of teens surveyed said they’d been bullied, threatened or otherwise harassed online. Yet less than half of those teens reported it to their parents or another adult

     It’s important for you to know how your kids are spending their time online, and best way is to educate them. Another important step is to monitor their online activities. "Norton Online Family" offers a free software for all parents to keep their kids safe online. 
    How it works?

    - See your kids’ online activities at a glance: Easy-to-read activity reports give you the inside scoop on what your kids do online. In just minutes, you can find out what sites your kids visit, what they search for, who they chat with*, and what social networking sites they spend time at. You’ll get to know your kids better and gain a deeper understanding of their online interests, so you can protect and guide them

    - Whether you’re at work, out of town, or simply away from home, you can log into Norton™ Online Family and see what your kids are up to online, in real-time. You’ll see what web sites they visit, what they search for, who they chat with* and more. It only takes a minute. And you can check in anytime, from any computer connected to the Internet or your smart phone.

     Norton Online Family alerts you via email when your kids do something they shouldn’t, such as attempting to visit a blocked site or exceeding their allotted computer time.
    'Norton Online Family' says:
    We want all parents to be able to protect their children and provide a safer Internet experience for them. So we’re offering Norton™ Online Family to all families, free of charge.

     Do you want to install Norton Safety Minder? This software is easy to install and use and it is only 11.6 MB.


    Monday, July 12, 2010

    An online parenting magazine for all parents

    Being a parent for first time is challenging as there is a lot to learn, and experience. New parents need tips, suggestions, and advice from experienced parents. Internet has provided the opportunity of sharing useful information, tips and advice for parents about pregnancy, health, child care, and other topics.

    'Todays Motherhood' is the answer to all parenting questions, child care, education, health, and everything related to it.
    The site was first created from a parent who created a parenting site, gradually reforming it into an online magazine. Online magazines or blogs are a source of news, product or service reviews, advice or tips for child care and all relevant topics to parenting.

    Resources section of the site offers many articles on baby, growing up, toddlerhood, older kids, pregnancy, and more.

    Check the contest page for photography contest.

    Sunday, July 11, 2010

    Art Contest for children to win exciting prizes

    Children from all over the world are invited to participate in an online art contest which is being sponsored by
    'The American Academy of Pediatrics and'. It is a chance for children around the worlds to win exciting prizes.

    The theme for this year 2010 art contest is "Protecting the World's Children from Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke".
    “Secondhand smoke is dangerous to children's health and all of the world’s children deserve to be protected from tobacco,” warns AAP President Judith Palfrey, MD, FAAP. “This is an opportunity for children's voices to be heard to help prevent addiction to tobacco, and for children to exercise their creativity to alert others to the dangers of tobacco and second-hand smoke.”

    Rules and terms for the contest entry:

    Official entry forms and consent forms must accompany all entries. Entries must be postmarked by July 30, 2010. Winning entries will be selected by a panel of judges including pediatricians, and announced in the summer.
    The contest is open to boys and girls in three groups:
    grades 3-5

    grades 6-8

    grades 9-12

    Group winners and their parents/guardians will be invited to a presentation ceremony before several thousand pediatricians at the 2010 AAP National Conference & Exhibition in San Francisco, CA, on Sunday, October 3.
    Each first-place winner will receive a $500 cash prize and up to $1,000 for travel-related expenses. The three second-place winners will each receive $250.
    The six winners’ schools will be awarded matching cash amounts.
    For the first time, entries are also welcome from children from countries other than the U.S.A. For the single international award, the contest is open to children ages 13-18. The winner will receive a USD 500 cash prize with a matching amount for the school or homeschool.
    This would make a great school project/activity. Send us photos of the class participating in this activity!!!

    For details: Children's Art Contest

    Download PDF copy of 'Entry Form'
    Download 'consent form'

    Friday, July 9, 2010

    A pencil story teaching us important life lessons

    During our school days we were usually asked to write essays or short stories on topics or objects like, 'my school, an apple, a house, a pencil' etc. While writing short essays or stories we normally think about the object in a descriptive way 'how it was created, built and used'. 

    This post is about 'Pencil Story' having an inspirational and motivational value in it, teaching us important life lessons.                

    Pencil story 

    The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. 

    "There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be."

    "One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand."

    "Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil."
     "Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make."

    "Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."

    "And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write."

    The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.
    Now replacing the place of the pencil with you. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be. 

    One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God's hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.

    Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems in life, but you'll need it to become a stronger person. 

    Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make. 

    Four: The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside.

    And Five: On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.

    Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.

    Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot make a change.
    For more inpiring stories: 'Indian child' 

    Monday, July 5, 2010

    Explore the Web for valuable research information.

    I love to score the web for valuable information. During this search I came across many online resources which are difficult to find our with normal search. This post offers useful and valuable links for educators, students, librarian's, families, businesses and every person who love to browse the net. 

    * ''  is a resource for online research by offering library and reference sites. 
    More about the site (In their own words)

    'Sites featured on are hand-selected and reviewed by our editorial team for their exceptional quality, content and utility. Published by StartSpot Mediaworks, Inc. in the Northwestern University/Evanston Research Park in Evanston, Ill., is the first in a family of vertical information portals designed to make finding the best topical information on the Internet a quick, easy and enjoyable experience. 

    To date, has received more than 30 awards and honors. 
    Most recently, selected as a "Forbes Favorite" site, the best in the reference category, and PC Magazine named it one of the Top 100 Web Sites. has been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, CNBC and in many other media outlets.'

    '' is a sister site of 'LibrarySpot' and is a valuable source for students, parents and educator.

    It offers free homework information portal that features the very best K-12 homework-related sites together with engaging editorial in one high-utility, educational spot. With the help of students, parents and teachers, their team of educators, librarians and journalists has scoured the Web to bring you the best resources for English, math, science, history, art, music, technology, foreign language, college prep, health, life skills, extracurricular activities and much more. For your convenience, we have made every effort to organize these resources into grade-appropriate categories for elementary, middle and high school.

    * 'Digital Librarian'  is an online resource from Margaret Vail Anderson, a librarian in Cortland, New York, offering best of the web sites around the net. Home page shows topics which takes you to another page with lots of more useful links and resources. 

    * 'The British Library'  offers 14 million books, 920,000 journal and newspaper titles, 58 million patents, 3 million sound recordings, and so much more.

    * 'Awesome Library' organizes the Web with 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.

    thousands of the best academic information websites, selected by teachers and library professionals worldwide, in order to provide to students and teachers current, valid information for school and university academic projects!
    The Virtual LRC is both a dedicated index of over 10,000 web pages maintained by a real human being, as well as a meta-search engine that includes in its results information gleaned from many of the best research portals and university and public library Internet subject guides recommended by teachers and librarians.
    The VLRC includes selected sites in a growing list of subject/information areas including: full-text magazines, newspapers, electronic text archives, art history, biography, biology, career information, psychology, history, government information, literature, medical information, social sciences, legal information, American Civil War, Art, Careers, Crime, Directories, Economics, Education, English Language, Electronic Texts, Foreign Languages, Geography, Genealogy, Government Information,Health/Medical, History, Legal Information, Lesson Plans, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Reference, Science, Technology, Tutorials on the Web, and Writing Style Guides. 

    * 'Access my library'  offers free access to premium content you can trust. Browse and read over 30 million articles for business, education, and general research needs – absolutely free

    Their goal (In their own words)
    Our goal is to help you access information from credible sources while making the offerings of local libraries more accessible. We do this by using our technology to help people find this content, which search engines usually cannot access. 
    AccessMyLibrary also includes articles from HighBeam Research, which is a part of the Gale family. HighBeam offers even more research content, including access to archives from more than 6,500 publications.

    is a blog with resources of interest to information professionals, educators and journalists. It is a blog so unlike other sites you need to start search from 'categories' links.

    Thursday, July 1, 2010

    Encourage your kids to read books

    At this tech age, our kids spend more time with computers than other outdoor or indoor activities. Reading books is a healthy habit which can be encouraged by providing online reading links to our kids. Parents can guide kids and teens providing site links or useful resources for online ebooks. Good news is that most of the online resources provide free access to the stuff either it is an ebook, video, audio, or a power point presentation. 'Tar

    'Tar Heel Reader' is an online free site  for beginning readers of all ages. Books are easy to read with big words which teachers can use in classroom for development of language and reading skills.

    More about the site:
    Link: 'Tar Heel Reader' 

    Many of us many think that the site name is strange, so the explainaiton is that 'Tar Heel is a nickname for the state and people of North Carolina. And the name comes from the fact that tar, pitch and turpentine created from the vast pine forests were one of North Carolina's most important exports early in the state's history

    More about the site:

    It offers a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. It fulfills the needs of older students as well who do not have access to easy-to-read, motivating, and age-appropriate text.

    The books may be downloaded as slide shows in PowerPoint, Impress, or Flash format. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces. Site also offers books in other languages such as Arabic, German, French, Latin etc.

    Facts: Books have been read in 133 countries and all 50 US states. They have books in 12 languages. Over 25,000 books are currently being read each week. Over 100 new books are added each week.

    How to search at the site for appropriate reading?

    These are suggested audience ratings. Rated E/Everyone means the book is appropriate for everyone. Books marked Rated C/Caution may have content that is not appropriate for some readers. The Favorites page is a good way to give your readers a selection of books that you have approved.

    You can download a slide show of a book easily. Just follow these simple steps:
    Go to the first page of the book. On the left side you’ll see a column of buttons. The second is labeled Setup. It will take you to the reading controls page. There you’ll see links to download the book as PowerPoint, Impress, or Flash.

    Experienced educators who are knowledgeable about beginning readers of all ages review books published on Tar Heel Reader.

    Write a book!

    You can also write a book and submit at the site. You need to get registration for writing a book;

    - Sign up for free at the registration page. They recommend you to read about the Beginning Literacy Framework before beginning to write. It will help you appreciate the kind of books they seek.

    Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    How to use search tools to find out specific information at internet?

    How do you start your search at internet?
    The simple answer is 'Google', but do you get the specific or reliable results after few searches? Yes, you many be lucky to get the specific information after some time, but often you are simly lost to find only reliable resource or links. How to search effectively for educational stuff at the internet? Using online search tools can help you a lot and save hours of your hard work.

    Search tools are intended to help you find the information you need. Each search tool takes a slightly different approach. Search engines, directories, indexes, and portals can all be helpful. While each of these has a specific definition, many search engines have more than one option. For example, Google is a search engine, but it also has a directory available. While most search tools ask users to enter key words, some like 'Ask Jeeves' are designed for questions.

    How do the search tools find all the websites?

    Many of the search engines use robots, wanderers, worms, spiders, harvesters, and other automated systems to find websites. In addition, people sometimes add their own website to the list.

    Search engines - resources are automatically databased by a computer. The results vary depending on the rules the sites uses to select materials.

    Indexes and Directories - information is organized into categories or lists that are sometimes created by people and sometimes computers. Many search engines also have directories.

    Subject guides - resources are selected and organized by people. They are good for large and focused topics, but provide fewer resources than search engines.

    Meta engines - these sites explore a number of search tools to come up with diverse results. For example, Dogpile searches LookSmart, FindWhat, Overture, and several others

    Portals - create a virtual desktop that provides, in one central place, web-based information and resources needed by a user. The difference between a portal and a regular website is that information is customized by the user.

     For Teachers and Teens:

    Search Engines

    • Alta Vista
    • All the Web
    • Excite
    • Google*
    • Hotbot
    • Lycos
    • Teoma

    Guides and Directories
    • Galaxy
    • Librarian's Index
    • Open Directory Project
    • Yahoo*
    Meta Engine Search Tools

    • Ask Jeeves
    • Dogpile
    • EZ2find
    • Mamma
    • MetaCrawler
    • SurfWax
    • Vivisimo
    • WebCrawler
    • Wisenut
    • Zapmeta
    • Visual Engine 'Kartoo'
    • Science Search Engine 'scirus'
    • Law Search Engine 'FindLaw'
    • Audio & Video 'Singing Fish'
    • Movies 'IMDb'
    • Archives Engine 'Wayback Machine'

    You can find search tools for children, as well as particular information formats (i.e., graphics, videos) and content areas. Ditto and FreePhoto are popular image sites. Use FindSounds for audio files. The advantage of a specialized tool is their narrow focus. Rather than getting "everything", they have selected those resources that fit a particular need. For example, KidsClick provides information about the reading level and number of illustrations contained on a website. Use CNET Search to search for software and hardware information.

    Go to Starting Points for Kids or Kid's Search Tools for other pages with student search engines links.

    Search Engines for Kids and Teens

    • KidsClick- Web search for kids by librarians 
    •  is a search engine / portal for kids, children, parents, and teachers.
    • EduHound
    • Ithaki Kids 'Intelligent search engine that finds sites just for kids searching simultaneously in various guides.'
    • LycosZone


    • Alfy
    • Ask Jeeves for Kids
    • Awesome Library
    • CyberSleuth Kids
    • EduPuppy
    • Family Friendly Search
    • Internet Public Library
    • KidsKonnect
    • ThinkQuest
    • Yahooligans*

    * 'Google for educators' 

    * Internet Resources for Teaching and Learning  at 'Teacher tap'

    Saturday, June 19, 2010

    How to find educational stuff at the world wide web

    I often browse the internet for educational stuff and prefer to use education related search sites for specific information. Usual search engines like google, Yahoo or alta vista provide thousands or results but it may take hours to find relevant sites or informative links.

    For specific topic search I use few sites which I suggest other educators and parents to use for their search as it can save your time.

    * 'The Educator's Reference Desk' is created for education community. It offers 2,000 and more lesson plans, more than 3,000 links to online education information, and 200 plus question archive responses.

    * Another site is 'eduhound' which is a highly specialized educational directory with FREE categorized resources, lesson plans, clipart, and site sets for educators, teachers, students, and families.

    * More than 1600 federal teaching and learning resources organized by subject: art, history, language arts, math, science, and others -- from FREE, the website that makes federal teaching and learning resources easy to find.
    - Link:

    * '' offer stuff covering topics liks 'Math, Reading Comprehension, Themes, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets.'

    * 'Shambles'

    ' You can use 'Similar Site' to find more relevant results.

    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    A family guide to video games for parents 'What They Play'

    As craze of video games amongst all age people is wide spreading, parents need to keep an eye on what their kids are playing. The best way to guide your kids regarding video games is to learn yourself about video games. Internet offers handful of useful links and sites with news, reviews, and expert views about video games, and you need to just bookmark those links. 'What they play' is one of those useful links which is helpful in this connection. More about the site:

    What They Play 

    It is a video game-centric website aimed at helping parents learn about content in video games, helping them decide what games their children should play.

    The site contains a database of over 16,000 games divided by console, genre and ESRB rating.
    The site employs a small editorial staff of seven to play and review games based on their content, but the site also allows parents to leave comments and reviews under each game describing their thoughts on the game's content and/or their child's reaction to the game. Parents can also submit an age-appropriateness rating, assigned on a scale from 1-17.
    To know more about the site, read the 'USA today''s post:
    'What They Play' gives parents helping hand'

    Other useful resources:

    * 'Joystic'  source for news and reviews on the video game industry.
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